Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Visit our "Dye"- I. - Y. Station, art using natural dyes

Today's Local Harvest is unique today,

DYE It Yourself, with natural dyes, from plants & mushrooms...

-Select a piece of fabric (100% cotton muslin)

-dip & dye to your liking from Turmeric, Fennel & Carrot tops, Mushroom & Iron, + Onion skins baths.

-Drip dry (not in direct sunlight, as it will significantly fade dye colors).

-Rinse in cool water.

-Apply heat (high setting on dryer, or iron works wells).


-Do not use heavy detergents.
-Hand wash in cool water.
-if it requires soaps, add a little natural soap (like Dr. Bronners)

(see full image)

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